Indian shamanic massages


The Raindrop massage technique is a unique relaxation technique for body and mind.

It combines the effect of an extraordinary massage with the power of essential oils.

This unique massage using the purest therapeutic grade essential oils was developed in the 1980's by Gary Young in conjunction with a Lakota Indian medicine man.

It contains ancient elements of Lakota, Tibetan and Egyptian knowledge and combines 2 worlds:

Knowledge of the power of ethereal essences:

The knowledge of plants with the profound effect of the energetic massage strokes.

It is one of the most comprehensive treatments with natural essential oils.

With the Raindrop technique, the back and the foot reflex zones are massaged.

In special foot reflex zones and along the muscles of the back, 9 different

essential oils for the raindrop technique:

Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Cypress, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Aroma Siez, Peppermint and Valor infused

and massaged into the body with a fine energetic feather stroke technique of the Lakota Indians, as well as with special energetic massage strokes.

The oils penetrate very well through the skin and tissue deep into the muscles and the entire body and are also absorbed through the respiratory tract.

At the end you will also receive a warm compress, so that the deep effect of the essential oils is intensified.

Essential oils have the unique ability to cross cell membranes.

They therefore spread quickly in the blood and tissues and can work there for up to a week.

This form of body balance and massage is very well suited to cleansing and detoxifying the body due to the effect of the natural essential oils, and is helpful for back health and the immune system.

Prices:85 minutes €79

Bookable on 0176 82249772

Inka Stone Massage

Indian energy massage

The Inka Stone Massage comes from the ancient kingdom of the Incas and is considered a spiritual energy healing massage that was passed down orally.

It consists of opening the sacred space, massaging with hot stones, gemstone massage stones such as rose quartz, amethyst and rock crystal and incense for cleaning with white sage, Salo Panto wood or incense.

You can choose the scent of the incense before the massage.

Incense and working with scents in general has the great advantage that scents act directly on the limbic system, which is related to our emotions and memories. Incense is a very old art and a gentle but very effective method of working with the subconscious.

The effect of the scents, precious stones and basalt stones on the physical plane also has a meaning on the subtle energy body and is said to bring body and soul into harmony.

Energetic processes are stimulated gently and powerfully at the same time, while at the same time the psyche and spirit are calmed.

From an energetic point of view, smoking has a strong opening, loosening and supporting effect.

Look forward to this extraordinary energy massage with warm basalt stones.

Prices:90 minutes €90

Bookable on 0176 56624484

Lomi Lomi Nui/Hawaiian Massage

The Lomi Lomi massage comes from the traditional healing arts of Hawaii, is also called Hawaiian temple massage and is known as the "queen of massages".

The healers and shamans of Hawaii (Kahunas) used them as a rite of passage in the temples to support the healing of body and soul.

Lomi means "press, knead, rub". Nui means "important, unique, great". The double lomi underlines the intensity and quality and thus the importance of this spiritual massage. Lomi is a mind-expanding massage. It gives you the opportunity to detach yourself from the old, burdensome and to be able to realign yourself.

Lots of oil is massaged into the entire body through rhythmic, wave-like movements with the hands and forearms. During the massage, long, flowing strokes are combined with a connective tissue massage, gentle joint and muscle relaxation, and occasional rocking and light stretching of the body.

The aim of this loving massage is to bring people back into harmony with themselves and their surroundings.

Because Lomi Lomi increases the client's awareness of the areas being massaged, it can undoubtedly induce profound changes - and awareness alone can bring about healing. Already during the massage there is a feeling as if every region of the body were connected. Because all thoughts disappear, you let go completely.

Lomi Lomi regenerates, revitalizes and improves the circulation of body fluids, whereby oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the cells and metabolic products are excreted. It also acts on muscles and the skeletal system, but especially on our nerves.

With the Lomi Pohaku with hot stones, hot basalt stones are also massaged alternately, which has an additional deeply relaxing effect.

The price is the same as the Lomi Nui.

Prices:60 minutes €65

75 minutes €75

90 minutes €90

120 minutes €129

Bookable on 0176 82249772 Bookable on 0176 56624484
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