Sound massage in our relaxation room
We only use high quality oils and lotions for our massages. You can choose the fragrance before the massage.
" Tue was dir gut tut and let the sun shine in your live 🌞😊🌞"
Relax, for example with a
Gemstone massage, a wellness, hot stone, or a Hawaiian Lomi massage.
With the versatile gemstone massage, or with the wellness massage with gemstones, you can also massage with gemstone balls. 💎😊
Starry sky in our relaxation room 🙂⭐🌟🌠
Sound meditation, or sound fantasy journey, always a nice experience. 😊🧚♂️🧜♀️
The hot stone massage consists of warm basalt stones that can store heat well.
Kahuna legend has it that this ancient symbol emits a form of energy that increases happiness on all levels.
The circles stand for unconditional love (aloha), the straight lines for divine power (mana), and the sum of the eight straight lines and circles stands for plenty
Welfare (Pono).
According to legend, this symbol is said to be a channel of blessing to anyone or anyone in whose vicinity or field of vision it is placed. :-)
Our sound concert in the chapel of St. Konrad Speyer October 2018
Our sound concert in the chapel of St. Konrad Speyer October 2018
Official handover: three defibrillators and a bouncy castle for Lebenshilfe Speyer-Schifferstadt
With the support of a marketing company and 36 sponsors from the region, Lebenshilfe Speyer-Schifferstadt is purchasing a bouncy castle for Junge Lebenshilfe and three defibrillators for the central Lebenshilfe facilities.
Since the Lebenshilfe, as a non-profit organization, does not have sufficient financial resources for such purchases, support was needed. A total of 36 sponsors from the region actively supported the project and enabled Lebenshilfe to finance and purchase the urgently needed defibrillators and the desired bouncy castle.
If you are interested, the bouncy castle can now also be rented by external companies or private individuals for special occasions for a small fee from the Lebenshilfe. The contact person at Lebenshilfe is: Sonja Paschek (telephone: 06232/859-7003, e-mail:
Our wellness team Klanglicht Speyer and MoWelMa at Schloss Zeilitzheim at the NLP Landsiedel Congress,
we were a great team :-)
July 2019
Our wellness massage team at the NLP Lansiedel Congress
Schloss Zeilitzheim
Seminarhaus Dortmund